
Showing posts from February, 2018

Cinema 4D - The Object

In the first Cinema 4D workshop we learnt the basics of how to add and manipulate some objects and text. The task was then to create a short 90 frame animation using an emitter and programming the objects it emits I am pleased with managing to produce this in a fairly short space of time as this was my first time using Cinema 4D and I knew nothing about how the software worked. It is something I found interesting and would like to delve more into the software and how to use it . Below is my short animation and a few screenshots from it. C4D - Colour from Eve Whelan on Vimeo .

After Effects 5 - Kinetic Typography 2

In the second kinetic typography workshop we were learning the basics of exploring 3D space in After Effects, using the camera tool and different viewpoints, picking quotes we like and travelling through them. The quotes I chose were from Ancient Greece, spoken by Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, from Herodotus Histories and Plutarch. Gorgo was one of the only females, if not the only female, named in the historical references I have looked at. Gorgo was known for her wisdom even at a young age, at a mere nine years of age advising her father, and king, Cleomenes not to be corrupted. She was also known for being a strong female who could rule men. Below are my chosen quotes and final video exploring the 3D space in After Effects. “Father, you had better have this man go away, or the stranger will corrupt you.” “’Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?’ ‘Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.’” Gorgo Kinetic Type from Eve Whelan on Vimeo .# ...

Studio 4 - Interiors

Richard Hamilton created a piece of art called “Just What Is It That Makes Todays Homes So Different?” He created this piece in the Fifties and then recreated it in the Nineties. My task was to create a piece that is inspired by lifestyles today. I investigated coffee house culture and pubs/drinking culture and the kind of things that surround them. I chose to go with the coffee house culture that is quite prominent in today’s society. I have created a coffee shop scene with extra additions to question some of the aspects of this way of socialising. Today’s coffee shops seem to consist of very overpriced coffees served in bucket sized mugs; those levels of caffeine are unnecessary. Also, whether a place has Wi-Fi seems more important to some people than factors like hygiene and health and safety. A coffee hous...